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5149 S. University Dr.
Davie, FL 33328

Opening Hours

Monday: 9am - 7pm

Tuesday: 3pm - 7pm

Wednesday: 9am - 7pm

Thursday: Appt. Only

Friday: 9am - 6pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Massage Therapy

Benefits of massage

Massage Therapy is generally considered part of integrative medicine. It's increasingly being offered along with standard treatment at A First Choice Healthcare for a wide range of medical conditions and situations.

Some Massage benefits can include:

  • Reducing stress and increasing relaxation
  • Reducing pain and muscle soreness and tension
  • Improving circulation, energy and alertness
  • Lowering heart rate and blood pressure
  • Improving immune function

Other Massage Therapy benefits, include:

1. It can counteract all that sitting you do

Most individuals are dealing with some kind of postural stress. More often than not [that stress] tends to manifest in the shoulders and neck. But desk workers, beware. More advanced forms of postural stress show up as pain or weakness in the low back and gluteals caused by prolonged periods of sitting.

2. It eases muscle pain

Got sore muscles? Massage therapy can help. Massage increases and improves circulation. Just like rubbing your elbow when you knock it on a table helps to relieve the pain.

A 2011 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found benefits of massage therapy as effective as other methods of treatment for chronic back pain.

3. It soothes anxiety and depression

Human touch, in a context that is safe, friendly and professional, can be incredibly therapeutic and relaxing. A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, found that patients who were depressed and anxious were much more relaxed and happy, and had reduced stress levels after massage.

4. It improves sleep

Not only do benefits of massage encourage a restful sleep, it also helps those who can’t otherwise comfortably rest. Massage promotes relaxation and sleep in those undergoing stressful situations or need to relax. 

5. It boosts immunity

A 2010 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that massage boosts patients’ white blood cell count, which plays a large role in defending the body from disease. 

6. It relieves headaches

Next time a headache hits, call A First Choice Healthcare. Massage decreases frequency and severity of tension headaches. A single session of massage therapy immediately effects perceived pain in patients with chronic tension headaches.

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